Thursday, April 12, 2007

Birthday Line-Up

How important do you feel communication is after the Birthday Line Up activity?

Ball Activity(s)

What did you learn during the ball activities today? How important is it to listen to those around you and the ideas they have?

What do we have in common?

Many times leaders encounter team members that are very different from them. Discuss how you, as a leader, may work to overcome these differences.

Organization is the Key.

What did the calendar activity show you about prioritization and leadership?

Cup Stack

What did this activity show you about the importance of team work?

Career Exploration

What did you find out in your career research that surprised you? Based on your research today have you changed your mind about what career you may want to persue? Why or why not?

Lego Build

What part of the team did you play? Do you think your part was easier or harder than the others? Why?

Spaghetti Tower

What was the most difficult aspect of working in a group to build your tower?

Take me to your Leader.

What leadership qualities make this person a good leader? List the quote you found and briefly discuss why you feel it is important.

Overall Impression

What is your overall opinion of the Youth Leadership Workshop? What are some suggestions you have for future Leadership Workshops? Do you feel this workshop was beneficial?